PSA from Island Health. You might be cleaning more than usual right now. This is graphic from West Vancouver Fire & Rescue illustrates how combinations of everyday household items can produce unsafe and even deadly gas, acids and vapours.
On the lighter side…
Wash your hands and stay apart!
Stay Strong BC!
Stay Strong BC! I am so very proud of Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix who continue to lead us. Keep up the good work. It is because you are doing such an excellent job that inspires the front line folks to keep up the fight! The nurses, the doctors, the cleaning staff, the truck drivers, the grocery store staff, the pharmacy staff, the ferry workers and the list goes on and on.
No means no.
Day 15
Dr. Bonnie Henry – Taking care of business!
Memo to the rest of Canada: How Dr. Bonnie Henry and B.C. are getting it right by laying all their cards on the table.
Thank You! Thank You!
Thank You Bonnie Henry!!!
It won’t be the same.
Thank you Grocery Workers!!!
Thank you all!
Think About It
Thank you Victoria Distillers for the sanitizer!
We are in it friends.
We are in it friends. The fight of our lives maybe? Every fight has its price and this one is going to cost us…a lot. We don’t even know what it will cost yet. However, the world will go on and the sun will rise tomorrow.
I want you all to know how much you have contributed and impacted me in my life. Some of you know who you are…and some of you don’t, but you have impacted me nonetheless.
Thank you! Thank you for being you because it has blessed me. Now, I encourage you to not lose hope, not to lose faith! We can all make it through this if we stick together.