While we have been trying our best to get done what we should have, Grace Yuki is going to be 6 month. Time flies, that is for sure. Now she weighs 7.6 kg (16.5 lbs) and holding her to sleep is a lot of work, I’m telling you. It has been about 2 weeks since she had started eating baby food. She has tried Omoyu (it’s like a rice porridge), bread porridge and mashed potato. Just like her Mom, she likes eating food and she eats just fine, so far. That is great!
I take Gracie for a walk everyday unless it rains. One day to the Shimomatsu train station, other day to a local super market. One thing I really miss about Victoria is nice & cozy coffee shops in a neighbourhood. It would have been awesome if we had one near here, then Grace & I would just stop by to grab a cup of coffee and maybe muffin or brownie, talk to people, hang out for a while and then walk home. Even though I take Grace for a walk every day, I am not sure if it is such a good idea because we really don’t have a nice side walk and the road itself is pretty narrow. Many cars, bikes and no side walk are not what we parents want to have for raising kids in. Oh well, complaining will not lead me anywhere so I guess I should try my best for Grace’s sake.
Recently Grace tends to lie on her stomach and we find she is sleeping on her stomach almost every morning. She shows her interests to a cell phone, remote controller, wind bell, fan and Craig’s corona even! I think we will need to tidy up in the house very soon so that she will not hurt herself with what we never think would be harmful.
Grace’s growing up gives us more worries, however that is nothing if you compare with joy, laugh and happiness she brings us. When I think of these last 3 or 4 months, sure it was the busiest and the most crazy time in my life. Yet, it is very easy to be forgotten because of what we get after that.