Our little princess Gracie has been growing up. Actually I can’t believe how fast she gets bigger and some of the baby clothes we got for the Christmas can’t fit anymore! It is a real blessing that Grace has been growing just fine and I never can appreciate enough.
She will be 2 month old on Feb 22nd and there have been some changes with her. First of all, the time of her being awake gets longer. Secondly, she smiles or laughs looking at people or things and which means she gets to recognize what are around her. Also the reasons for her to cry has been changing, she only cried because she was hungry or wanted to have a fresh diaper before, however lately, we find that she sometimes cries for our attention or when she wants to be hold and that shows she grows.
I began to read her kids books these days. AND seems she really likes books! I succeeded to take a great picture of Grace Yuki with a beautiful smile on her face. It was taken when I read her a book called “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” . Imagine me reading a book and trying to get a nice shot of Grace’s smile with my little cell phone at the same time! It must have been a quite funny scene if anybody had looked! Yet, that is what most of the new parents would do, I bet.
Well, the bassinet we bought for Grace will be too small for her to be in sometime soon and we’d better go get something bigger.
Thanks Grace Yuki for being such a beautiful, wonderful and amazing girl! Every cry, noise, smile and laugh you make have been making your parents the happiest in the world! Also thanks Craig for your support as always. I don’t think I would be able to get what I’ve got now without your help.
I love you both, my family.