Reduce costs on communications…bundle em up!

internet-iconYou can reduce your monthly communications costs significantly by bundling services with the same provider. We classify communications as:

  • Internet Service
  • Telephone Service
  • Cable TV Service
  • Mobile Phone Service

We got rid of our cable TV years ago but had for a long time our internet service through Shaw and our telephone service through Telus. By switching our phone over to Shaw and bundling it with our internet service we were able to save on average $25/mth which when multiplied over a year is $300.00. Now I’ll admit that we’re a little old fashioned in that we keep a “landline” phone when in all honesty we could get by just fine with Kana’s mobile phone (I also have a phone provided by work but if it wasn’t provided by work I would not have one). However, the point is that there are options when looking to reduce your monthly communications costs. You could get rid of cable and just have NetFlix.