Halloween 2009

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One of the funnest parts of being back in Canada is being able to celebrate Halloween. Grace Yuki loves to get dressed up in her lady bug costume and go “trick or treating”. After a quick visit from Angie and Dave we headed over to the Simpsons (Travis, Chrissy and baby Elias) where we went “trick or treating” in their neighbourhood. Yuki really got into the swing of it this year and had a super good time going door to door with Kana.


Angie, Grace Yuki and the Davil

Angie, Grace Yuki and Dave “The Davil”

Chrissy, Travis and Eli

Chrissy, Travis and Eli

Kana & Yuki

Kana & Yuki

Wyatt Haku Mercer

Wyatt Haku Mercer