Home School Log 02-07-2013






まずは、Franklinシリーズ。カナダはマニトバ州出身のPaulette Bourgeoisという方の作品で、TVアニメにもなっている人気シリーズです。主人公の亀、Franklinが学校や家、コミュニティで起こる日常的な問題を通して様々なことを学んでいくといった内容で、わかりやすくやわらかい文章で綴られた物語の中に、きちんとした教えが含まれていて、私も大好きなシリーズです。


Hurry_Up_Franklin.jpgHurry Up, Franklin
Franklin Is Messy
Franklin Rides a Bike
Franklin Fibs
Franklin’s New Friend






次に、社会科の学習で使用した書籍では、Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully (Audrey Penn著、Barbara L. Gibson画)をご紹介します。





最後に、”A Drop of Water” by Walter Wick。

Walter Wickはアメリカ出身の写真家で、”I Spy”シリーズで特に有名です。



Home School Log 01-30-2013










Home School Log 01-29-2013

先週、結晶にとって初めての”Show and Tell”がありました。”Show and Tell”とはつまり、プレゼンテーションの第一歩です。クラスメートの前で、ひとつのテーマについて話をするのです。小学校低学年の場合、自分の宝物や特に思い入れのあるもの、大切な人からもらったプレゼントなどなど、何かひとつ物を持参し、それについて話をします。結晶に何について話をしたいか尋ねたところ、何か”日本的な”ことをテーマにしたいとのこと。色々と考えて・・・ではなく、意外にもあっさりと”折り紙”を使って”Show and Tell”をすることに決定しました。





さてさて、クラスに迎えにいってみると、結晶はうかない表情をしてます。”Show and Tell, どうやった?”っと聞くと、”うーん、うまくいかなかった・・・”と結晶。”緊張したん?”と尋ねてみると、そうでもない様子。よくよく聞いてみると、まず話す内容を書き留めていたノートの存在をすっかり忘れていて、いざクラスメートの前に立ってみたら何を話せばいいのかわからなかったということ。そして、みんなと一緒に折り紙をしようと思ったけれど、興味を示した子供達があまりいなかったとのこと。

それはへこみます。私だってへこみます。初めての”Show and Tell”が思ったようにうまくいかなくてごめんね、結晶。








Home School Log 01-11-2013


前に少し触れていますが、10月には担当の先生の2回目の家庭訪問がありました。いわゆる”国語”にあたる科目はもちろん英語になるわけなのですが、この科目を学習するにあたって私達は今期”Come Sit By Me”というテキストを使用しています。この”Come Sit By Me”は同じくホームスクールで子供を育てた方によるテキストで、カナダ人著者による子供向けの本/絵本を使い、1冊ごとに学習ポイントがまとめられています。指定の本の中には、これまでに読んだ事のあった作品や結晶が好む著者の作品などがいくつか見られたので、これなら割とすんなり入っていけるのではないかと思ったのがこのテキストを選択した理由です。








Home school log 100512

home schoolHomeschool = School at Home

9月に新学期が始まるカナダのスクールシステム。この9月から結晶はgrade2、日本で言う小学校2年生になりました。ただ、他と少し違うのは、結晶は小学校へ通っていないということ。幼稚園、grade1, そしてgrade2となる今年で3年目、うちはホームスクール、つまり自宅で私たち両親が子供にその年齢で必要な学習、運動をさせる方法をとっているのです。

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Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

Memoirs of a GeishaIt is a shame but I must admit that I know nothing about Japan, especially it’s history, politics, government….which I should know. And if I had not have any chances to go outside of Japan, I doubt that I wouldn’t have even known of this fact. I think I am a typical, regular Japanese female and I guess this fact would be applied most of the people in my generation. I have heard so many times from the people who stayed in other countries long enough to be able to notice how we are blind and careless about our own country. Read more…

Taking walks in Kishiwada

Grace Yuki

Grace Yuki

While we have been trying our best to get done what we should have, Grace Yuki is going to be 6 month. Time flies, that is for sure. Now she weighs 7.6 kg (16.5 lbs) and holding her to sleep is a lot of work, I’m telling you. It has been about 2 weeks since she had started eating baby food. She has tried Omoyu (it’s like a rice porridge), bread porridge and mashed potato. Just like her Mom, she likes eating food and she eats just fine, so far. That is great!

I take Gracie for a walk everyday unless it rains. One day to the Shimomatsu train station, other day to a local super market. One thing I really miss about Victoria is nice & cozy coffee shops in a neighbourhood. It would have been awesome if we had one near here, then Grace & I would just stop by to grab a cup of coffee and maybe muffin or brownie, talk to people, hang out for a while and then walk home. Even though I take Grace for a walk every day, I am not sure if it is such a good idea because we really don’t have a nice side walk and the road itself is pretty narrow. Many cars, bikes and no side walk are not what we parents want to have for raising kids in. Oh well, complaining will not lead me anywhere so I guess I should try my best for Grace’s sake.

Recently Grace tends to lie on her stomach and we find she is sleeping on her stomach almost every morning. She shows her interests to a cell phone, remote controller, wind bell, fan and Craig’s corona even! I think we will need to tidy up in the house very soon so that she will not hurt herself with what we never think would be harmful.

Grace’s growing up gives us more worries, however that is nothing if you compare with joy, laugh and happiness she brings us. When I think of these last 3 or 4 months, sure it was the busiest and the most crazy time in my life. Yet, it is very easy to be forgotten because of what we get after that.

Sweet, Sweet Gracie

Kana and Gracie readingOur little princess Gracie has been growing up. Actually I can’t believe how fast she gets bigger and some of the baby clothes we got for the Christmas can’t fit anymore! It is a real blessing that Grace has been growing just fine and I never can appreciate enough.

She will be 2 month old on Feb 22nd and there have been some changes with her. First of all, the time of her being awake gets longer. Secondly, she smiles or laughs looking at people or things and which means she gets to recognize what are around her. Also the reasons for her to cry has been changing, she only cried because she was hungry or wanted to have a fresh diaper before, however lately, we find that she sometimes cries for our attention or when she wants to be hold and that shows she grows.

I began to read her kids books these days. AND seems she really likes books! I succeeded to take a great picture of Grace Yuki with a beautiful smile on her face. It was taken when I read her a book called “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” . Imagine me reading a book and trying to get a nice shot of Grace’s smile with my little cell phone at the same time! It must have been a quite funny scene if anybody had looked! Yet, that is what most of the new parents would do, I bet.

Well, the bassinet we bought for Grace will be too small for her to be in sometime soon and we’d better go get something bigger.

Thanks Grace Yuki for being such a beautiful, wonderful and amazing girl! Every cry, noise, smile and laugh you make have been making your parents the happiest in the world! Also thanks Craig for your support as always. I don’t think I would be able to get what I’ve got now without your help.

I love you both, my family.


First of all, thanks so much everyone for the cards, e-mails and gifts. We very much appreciate all of you, needless to say.

Well, almost 20 days have passed since beautiful Grace was born. She is such a great baby, and Craig and I are so happy. Even when she is sleeping, we just can not take our eyes off from her, you know what I mean. Even her crying makes me happy because I can know she is alive. It is strange but I feel like I am still in a dream once in a while. Giving baby a birth is surely an experience which is very hard, with lot of pain but with a joy never be to compare to anything. Holding still wet Grace in my arms and feeling her warmth gave me a feeling that I had never imagined I would. I will never forget that feeling, Grace's warmth and Craig's face looking at us with teary eyes.

Grace Yuki has been growing up just fine and basically seeing every single change on her is what I do.

Craig is a great Dad already. He helps me a lot with changing diaper (he is a Master), putting Grace into a sleep in the middle of the night with a wicked songs (he is a Professional), and holding Grace in his arms when she is not in a good mood (he is an Expert).

Anyways, Grace's existence has changed everything and we are just happy with this reality. I can't wait to see her growing up and bringing us great joy one and another. I am still a new mom and know there are lots to learn from now on but I know at the same time that I have Craig and Grace Yuki to learn together. New Team Mercer has just launched.

I’m Pregnant NO DOUBT!

Baby IconHello everyone.

Craig mentioned earlier I'm going to tell you more about “being pregnant”. What can I tell? Well, it's been pretty tough. I get nauseous in the morning and the evening, when I am hungry and when I am full. I mean I haven't been able to eat that much lately. Actually I've lost 3kg in 3 weeks. I eat a little many times a day. I'm in my 9th week now and one of the nurses said to me, “You will be okay maybe around week 15” on Saturday when we had the 2nd visit to the hospital. Okay, 6 more weeks. NICE!

As many of experienced women know, I tend to like to have a meal cold not warm nor hot because I smell the stuff. Once I got pregnant, I found I got very sensitive to the smell, anything. I haven't had any meat for almost a month now, I just can't handle it. Right, ladies? What I like to eat, I should say what I can put in my mouth are water, popsicle, maybe tomatoes, it's strange tomatoes were only food I could eat a couple weeks ago but they are not anymore. In this couple of days, I got to be able to eat toast with cheese on it. I even had a piece of cake this afternoon. YAY! Yet, I have no idea what is my favorite food going to be tomorrow.

Of course, there is a great thing being pregnant. When I first saw a little heart was beating on the screen, that was the fantastic, most amazing moment ever! Just a tiny little thing but it is alive. I can understand why women can endure many tough things during the pregnancy. I have two hearts and I can't explain how this is the wonderful thing. Sure, the morning sickness is quite a thing to deal with, however, if you knew there is one little thing in your body trying to get bigger and taller, we should get something happening to our body.

Now I really appreciate what have happened to Craig and me. There are hundreds of thousands of things I should learn about and I am happy to do it. We will tell you more later.

Craig's other English Class

People. Now Craig is like one of the most popular English teacher in Osaka.

One of my high school friends Kyoko who runs a talent agency, she asked Craig to do some "English Class" for kids over a month ago. What Kyoko asked Craig to do was spending some time with kids maybe doing gymnastic stuffs 2 Saturdays a month and he said OK. After that, as everyone knows, Craig got a job at Kindergarten. Kyoko did let us know what age group of kids will come to Craig's Saturday class and we knew there some adults joining as well.

Right, having kids (2-6 years old) & adults both at the same time in a class sounds pretty odd. What kids would enjoy doesn't make adults being satisfied. Despite of Craig's anxiety, I asked him to do this things for my sake, for friendship between Kyoko and me.

Anyways, we had the first Saturday class yesterday. We got there to the classroom at 10:00 and everybody including kids and adults were already there. I could tell kids got so excited when they saw Craig at first. Kids were just running around the classroom and looked so difficult to make them calm. Then Craig began his class.

Craig introduced himself, me to begin with and asked everybody to introduce themselves. To our surprise, some of the adults (middle aged women) spoke pretty good English. Actually one of them told us she had been to Victoria. I've met quite a few people who has been to Victoria and it is amazing. Telling you the truth, I on the other hand, had never heard of City of Victoria before I thought of going there. What a SHAME!

Getting back to the subject, oh, kids weren't listening anything, which might be totally expected things, however it was horrible. Honestly, some of them were violent and weren't listening to Craig at all. I guess I should use "Gong Show" to describe the scene.

But people, I'm telling you Craig has something, if you don't know that. As he paid attention to all of them and tried to make them feel they were having a good time, he suggested to play some games, songs and stuffs. Although it took some time to make those violent kids into the mood of attending a classroom, through playing games Craig got them. A kid who was too shy to speak loud at first, he laughed and talked happily at the end. Other boy who was also shy, he showed us his interest toward English from the beginning though, started to answer to Craig's question with making eye contact which he couldn't do at the beginning.

Craig was impressed by how the kids got to understand games and stuff so quickly even they hadn't study English before and told them how they were smart and did so well at the first class. Kids looked so happy to hear that and I know that gave them confidence and some more interests toward learning new stuff.

Adults also looked enjoy the class but we though we need to come up with some better things for them to do for the next class which is going to be on Next Saturday.

We had a great time with people and will have another wonderful time with them next week.

We'll update about Craig's Saturday Class as well from now on.

Kana gets new job with Business Across Cultures (BAC)

BAC logo

I’m starting a new job tomorrow.

Some of you have known that how my former job was boring and I hate that. Well, things have been changed by “the power”. If there hadn’t been a power, I don’t think everything would have worked just fine like this.

Well, Brent Conkle whom I met when I worked at DHL and whom I call “Big brother” runs his own company in Tokyo. He offered me a job opportunity and I’m working with him, for him. What they do is providing English learning curriculum and native teachers to Japanese companies. So there are native teachers whom I’ll work with in Osaka.

He is in Tokyo, head office is in Tokyo so I guess you think “HOW???” I know that is the question most of people would ask me. Well, Craig has already set up a small office space for me at upstairs in my parent’s house and I work here. Yes, this is the greatest part of my new job, isn’t it?

Basically I will be in charge of administrative work and maybe will do some other things such as recruiting native teachers or little bit of managing stuff eventually.

It’s going to be a big challenge for me, that’s for sure. It’s also an exciting stuff, needless to say and I think will be able to tell you more about my new job soon.


Kana gets job at Footwork

Good news everyone, I got a job today. I received a reply for the interview I had yesterday from the company earlier and I’ll begin to work on the 13th.

The company itself belongs to the same field as DHL I worked for before I went to Victoria and I’ll be an assistant of a boss at the new work place. It takes me about an hour by train to get to the office in Downtown so it’s not too bad at all. There are some occasions given to me to use English in both writing and speaking which I wanted to have for my next job. I’ll be busy and tired for first couple weeks until I get used to a new circumstance, people and job for sure, however I’m so excited to get back to work after this long vacation.

I guess I will be able to tell you about the job and company in a time. Wish me luck on my new job.

Footwork Truck